Page name: Gods Of Elfpack [Logged in view] [RSS]
2011-09-27 20:47:26
Last author: Ultra Hunger
Owner: Ultra Hunger
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Gods Of Elfpack / God Registration / List Of Gods / List Of Gods II / Gods Of Elfpack Banquet
Gods Of Elfpack Banners / Gods Of Elfpack Temples / Gods Of Elfpack Suggestions
Gods Of Elfpack Arena / Gods Of Elfpack Crew


Best Wiki Award, June 2005


We are the rulers of this mortal world. We, who have with stood the boundaries of time itself to bring everlasting power to the lands. We, are the Gods of Elfpack.

Welcome to the Gods Of Elfpack! Here is where you can find a list of the different, so called, gods of elfpack. If you would like to be one of the gods, and the thing you want to be the god of is not taken, please feel free to write down your selection at God Registration and i will inform you if you were approved or denied


Rule #1 No weird request such as "can I be the God Of Dog Food"

Rule #2 You cannot be the God of all Gods or the Goddesses of all Goddesses so please stop asking me. I am the king of the gods and I control everyone’s destiny here.

Rule #3 There can only be 1 god to each ability there cannot be a God of Ice and a Goddess of Ice it may cause a fight between the two and things could get ugly.

Rule #4 Look at the List Of Gods/List Of Gods II before you make your god selection. I hate always telling people that something is already taken, so make sure to look it up first!

Rule #5 Say whatever you want here, about anything you want I will not kick you out for it, but don’t insult or start fights with any of the members in this wiki unless they deserve it. if you want to be an asshole take it some were else.

Rule #6 Don't put any banners up or make any changes without asking me first.

Rule #7 If I don't like you. Get the hell out of here!

Concequence for breaking any of the rules is exile from the club.


All gods have been destroyed and striped of their powers I have wiped out all the olympions and we are starting over a new and stronger race will prevail.

~God Registration~
~List Of Gods/List Of Gods II~
~Gods Of Elfpack Temples~
~Gods Of Elfpack Banquet~
~Gods Of Elfpack Banners~
~Gods Of Elfpack Suggestions~
~Gods Of Elfpack Arena~
~Gods Of Elfpack Crew~

This wiki was created by [Ultra Hunger] on December 20th, 2004 
And then it was erased by [Ultra Hunger] and restarted clean slate on April 4th, 2007

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2005-06-29 [Undertow]: sorry...that was out of line, but god! how much of an EMO-kid can you be?

2005-06-29 [Ultra Hunger]: ha ha ha ha

2005-06-29 [Ultra Hunger]: i know I can't stand emo kids

2005-06-29 [Undertow]: annoying little bastards i say

2005-06-29 [Ultra Hunger]: lol ha ha ha ha ha ha lol yep

2005-06-29 [Undertow]: go here people!!!! the god of wisdom's smartass comments

2005-06-29 [d o n e]: You two are such Pricks, what's your fucking problem? I know Alec in person I go to the same damn school with him, you call him Emo, and you don't know a damn thing about two are the bitches

2005-06-29 [Ultra Hunger]: why is everyone attracted to always flamming my wiki?

2005-06-29 [Undertow]: i looked at his page and what he likes...he's a little emo/hardcore brat

2005-06-29 [Ultra Hunger]: LOL

2005-06-29 [Capture And Embrace.]: ><

2005-06-29 [Ultra Hunger]: Finding Emo

2005-06-29 [Capture And Embrace.]: LMAO

2005-06-29 [Ultra Hunger]: sup devil boy?

2005-06-29 [Capture And Embrace.]: Noffin

2005-06-29 [Ultra Hunger]: me 2 I just had a thunder storm the dogs are hiding under my desk what a bunch of pussys XD

2005-06-29 [Capture And Embrace.]: XD~ Nice

2005-06-29 [Ultra Hunger]: I love thunderstorms. you ever run around in the rain during one? it kicks ass

2005-06-29 [Capture And Embrace.]: HEck yes!!!

2005-06-29 [Ultra Hunger]: we use to have races wearing nothing but a baithing sute we'd have to run out side during a thunderstorm tag a tree and run abck in the house. the lightning useually made us run faster. but now i'm getting too old for those kind of games.

2005-06-29 [Capture And Embrace.]: rofl

2005-06-29 [Ultra Hunger]: Oh yeah just to let you know Devil Boy I took you off the Lits Of Gods

2005-06-29 [Ultra Hunger]: ...and moved you to number two under my name

2005-06-29 [Capture And Embrace.]: I noticed rofl!

2005-06-30 [Undertow]: ....wierd...oh btw finding emo...great comedy

2005-06-30 [mgddfdhdfhf]: What's so funny about Emo? O_o...oh..yeh, I'm Kevin..I was wondering if I can be God of Sports..

2005-06-30 [Ultra Hunger]: isn't there some more coo,w ay of saying it like god of recriational activiity or something?

2005-06-30 [Undertow]: emo's stupid....all it is is a bunch of punk kids that wanna cry b/c they can't get thier's stupid

2005-06-30 [Ultra Hunger]: oh wait you don't wanna join this wiki I hate don't be talkin smack

2005-06-30 [mgddfdhdfhf]: Why can't I join?

2005-06-30 [Ultra Hunger]: you can join but I kicked your best friend out of it and i hate him. if you think it will effect your friendship in anyway joining my wiki I sugest not to do it

2005-06-30 [Undertow]: b/c your dumb....bye bye....go away.....piss off...on your bike.....fuck off....toodles...siaonara...guten tag!

2005-06-30 [Ultra Hunger]: ha ha ha wow

2005-06-30 [Undertow]: yeah i know like 12 ways to say good bye

2005-06-30 [mgddfdhdfhf]: Yeh..uh..okay...Okay so you hate Alec...what does that have to do with me joining?

2005-06-30 [Ultra Hunger]: I just think it might cause a problem but if you really wanna stir the pot you could become the god of elements thats what he use to be because I gave him da boot

2005-06-30 [Undertow]: didn't i tell him to leave in like 8 different ways??? and it's HIS WIKI he doesn't have to let anyone that he doesn't like on it

2005-06-30 [mgddfdhdfhf]: Dude [Undertow] I'm not talking to you, could you just like..shut up for one moment?  Now [Ultra Hunger] Can I please be God of Sports?

2005-06-30 [Ultra Hunger]: alright but Alec's not going to like this he think i'm a hearless creature

2005-06-30 [mgddfdhdfhf]: Well, I told Alec I wanted to like forever ago, but I forgot my password for EP now that I have it back I still want to join, he didn't care if I did or's not like it affects our real life

2005-06-30 [Undertow]: no i like's fun...just like being a wise ass to people that are inferior to myself

2005-06-30 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: lmao yay go[Undertow] i kno what ya mean lol

2005-06-30 [Undertow]: thank you *bows* atleast someone likes my strange outlook on everything ^__^

2005-06-30 [Capture And Embrace.]: I'm I do too but....dunno

2005-06-30 [Undertow]: oooo hey people chekc out my 2 new wiki's (links in my shrine)

2005-06-30 [Undertow]: one's music video's (i have the URL'S) and one's a bunch of wise ass comments

2005-06-30 [Capture And Embrace.]: sweet

2005-06-30 [Undertow]: here fags..go watch some music videos god of wisdoms music videos just click on the link and the video will play there's 20 videos currently, i'll take some requests...within reason and if i can find them

2005-07-01 [Ultra Hunger]: anybody have any ne ideas for this wiki?

2005-07-01 [Undertow]: nope

2005-07-01 [Ultra Hunger]: well think of something

2005-07-01 [Undertow]: but my brain hurts!!!!

2005-07-01 [S.O.A.D. worshiper]: uh.. give out free cheetos. everyone love me when i give out free cheetos

2005-07-01 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: you could sell your bodies...

2005-07-01 [S.O.A.D. worshiper]: no ones gonna pay for me, we'd have to pay them, lol

2005-07-01 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: Man Cans will buy ya jess

2005-07-01 [S.O.A.D. worshiper]: you dont know that for sure though, lol

2005-07-01 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: I'll ask you

2005-07-01 [S.O.A.D. worshiper]: how will asking me acheive anything?

2005-07-01 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: oops...I meant, I'll ask HIM.

2005-07-01 [Capture And Embrace.]: ROFL

2005-07-01 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: god i'm such a dumb ass....

2005-07-01 [Capture And Embrace.]: We know.....but we still love you


2005-07-02 [Capture And Embrace.]: ....

2005-07-02 [skullhead]: ...

2005-07-02 [Capture And Embrace.]: *cpugh* ANYWAYS!

2005-07-02 [skullhead]: happy Canada day for you two [~!~GreenDay~!~] and also to [~!~GreenDay~!~] oh lets not forget old friend [~!~GreenDay~!~] lol

2005-07-02 [Capture And Embrace.]: ROFL nice

2005-07-02 [skullhead]: so for us in the USA is going to be the 4th of July soon 

2005-07-02 [Capture And Embrace.]: I bought all the illegal kind....

2005-07-02 [skullhead]: that means the fantastic 4 movie is coming lol (hell yea)

2005-07-02 [Capture And Embrace.]: ROFL! *lights firworks*

2005-07-02 [skullhead]: I love the smell of firework in the morning (sir! yes sir!)

2005-07-02 [Capture And Embrace.]: SIR!!!!! ><;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

2005-07-02 [skullhead]: what do you want am not in the ARMY yet

2005-07-02 [Capture And Embrace.]: *cough*

2005-07-02 [skullhead]: am going to get in some day

2005-07-02 [Capture And Embrace.]: Sweet. Right on thats awesome! *high five!*

2005-07-02 [skullhead]: that mother fucking ASVAB is one nasty mother sucker

2005-07-02 [skullhead]: I can belief I didn’t pas that stupid test

2005-07-02 [Capture And Embrace.]: That sucks dude. :(

2005-07-02 [skullhead]: am going to take it again in 30th days

2005-07-02 [Capture And Embrace.]: Cool ^^;

2005-07-02 [skullhead]: The first thing am going to do is bay a house fuck the renting shit

2005-07-02 [Capture And Embrace.]: LMAO!!!

2005-07-02 [skullhead]:



2005-07-02 [Capture And Embrace.]: Sweetness!!

2005-07-02 [PyroBuggy]: shit... *shits*

2005-07-02 [skullhead]: I have 3 life sizes and a bunch of things that have skull’s in them or on them

2005-07-02 [skullhead]: <img:>

2005-07-02 [Capture And Embrace.]: Coolllllllll

2005-07-02 [skullhead]: What can I say, I love skulls

2005-07-02 [mgddfdhdfhf]: Whoa..

2005-07-02 [Viperess]: I like that Vampire one, the eye looks like its staring right at you. 

2005-07-02 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: sweet

2005-07-03 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: those are sexy

2005-07-03 [skullhead]:

Live 8

2005-07-03 [gungone]: uh...what is it?

2005-07-03 [Ultra Hunger]: not a member... skidaddle or i'll sick [Undertow] on you. hes likes to fight will brats

2005-07-03 [Capture And Embrace.]: lmao!!!!

2005-07-03 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: lmao

2005-07-04 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: Not that any of you give a rats ass but <img:> hears a banner i made

2005-07-04 [S.O.A.D. worshiper]: <<worships sarah>>

2005-07-04 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: ...why

2005-07-04 [Ultra Hunger]: omg I love it! add it to the banners

2005-07-04 [Ultra Hunger]: I'm changing my banner to that one

2005-07-04 [S.O.A.D. worshiper]: youre so talented

2005-07-04 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: man cans i have a new one

2005-07-04 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: <img:>The Cat God of elfpack lol

2005-07-04 [S.O.A.D. worshiper]: sweetness

2005-07-04 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: lol

2005-07-04 [Ultra Hunger]: that just gave me an idea every god has an animal that symbolizes it. like Athena is the Owl I think. and Hera is the ... I forget the name of it. but on your temples you should pick an animal that symbolizes your god. I picked the Siberian Tiger

2005-07-04 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: would u like me 2 make u a banner for ure temple?

2005-07-04 [Ultra Hunger]: if anyone makes a banner you can put it under Gods Of Elfpack Banners

2005-07-04 [Ultra Hunger]: if your talking to me yeah sure

2005-07-04 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: ok jsut a sec ill go make u a banner

2005-07-04 [Ultra Hunger]: alright cool

2005-07-04 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: what are u the god of

2005-07-04 [S.O.A.D. worshiper]: uh... does bean soup count as an animal? cause i already got a banner with bean soup on it, lol

2005-07-04 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: ure strange jessi lol but thats why i love yas

2005-07-04 [Ultra Hunger]: alright instead of an animal anything can symbolize your god.

2005-07-04 [S.O.A.D. worshiper]: OMG TATERS!! <<pounces>> i love you too sarah ^^__^^

2005-07-04 [S.O.A.D. worshiper]: haha that ones good too

2005-07-04 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: hahahaha

2005-07-04 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: <img:> Hear you go [Ultra Hunger]

2005-07-04 [S.O.A.D. worshiper]: thats hot

2005-07-04 [Ultra Hunger]: wow its perfect and iw as afriad it was gonna be too big

2005-07-04 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: lol

2005-07-04 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: im not shure what animal i should have guarding my temple... tiz The temple of darkness

2005-07-04 [S.O.A.D. worshiper]: hmmm.... maybe a snake?

2005-07-04 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: lol aah*kisses* URE A SHERE GENIOUS JESSI

2005-07-04 [S.O.A.D. worshiper]: <<blushes>>

2005-07-04 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: <img:> i kinda used a dragon/snake

2005-07-04 [S.O.A.D. worshiper]: awesome

2005-07-04 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: mhm

2005-07-06 [GODofMUSIC04]: so, to symbolize my temple.. which i dont feel like posting up..... i will put the crossmen as my gaurdians (theyre a drumcorps)

2005-07-06 [Shadowsoul]: thats good

2005-07-06 [Undertow]: i like being the guard of my own temple..unless you consider Yoda to be a gaurdian lol

2005-07-10 [Ultra Hunger]: I've been hit like that before. but never by a mortal

2005-07-10 [Serena]: nice Undertow.....Yoda kicks butt

2005-07-10 [Undertow]: indeed

2005-07-12 [GODofMUSIC04]: duh.. why do you think hes lived over 900 years? cause the good guys always live longer

2005-07-12 [Ultra Hunger]: no its because I haven't gotten around to killing him yet

2005-07-12 [GODofMUSIC04]: dude...not cool....

2005-07-12 [Ultra Hunger]: hes number 12 on my kill list

2005-07-12 [Capture And Embrace.]: THis isn't Danneh...>>

2005-07-12 [Ultra Hunger]: whom are you?

2005-07-12 [Capture And Embrace.]: His girlfriend...>> It's [Kagomeyasha]

2005-07-12 [GODofMUSIC04]: wat are ....nvm

2005-07-12 [Capture And Embrace.]: I like being on his makes me feel special...>>

2005-07-12 [d o n e]: Lol Speical people!

2005-07-12 [Ultra Hunger]: Losers

2005-07-12 [d o n e]: Why yes you are XD

2005-07-12 [d o n e]: <----Is just kiddding <<;;

2005-07-12 [Ultra Hunger]: you better be

2005-07-12 [Undertow]: i thought yoda died in the return of the jedi anyways???

2005-07-13 [Ultra Hunger]: thats the conspericy version what really happened was I stabed him. and as for humpty dumpty? I pushed him off the wall.

2005-07-13 [d o n e]: What happens if I'm not kidding?

2005-07-13 [Ultra Hunger]: then i'll have to kill you

2005-07-13 [Undertow]: ooo, sinister

2005-07-13 [Viperess]: Is there war among the Gods, i thougth that was only for mortals

2005-07-13 [Undertow]: i'm nto warring...i'm just sitting back and watching it all come down

2005-07-13 [Viperess]: can i sit and watch too

2005-07-13 [Undertow]: if you want to *pulls up chair and looks at [Ultra Hunger]* resume i say!

2005-07-13 [Viperess]: thanks, *sits and nods* don't let use stop you.

2005-07-13 [Undertow]: indeed

2005-07-13 [Viperess]: can i bring her back if he kills her?

2005-07-13 [Undertow]: if he wants to kill her i guess he will....i'm not going to jail lol

2005-07-13 [Shadowsoul]: What is going on?

2005-07-13 [Viperess]: *humps shoulders*, ask Undertow he knows

2005-07-13 [Undertow]: [Ultra Hunger] is threatening to kill and we've got front row a manner of speaking

2005-07-13 [Viperess]: Shadow *she whispers*, you think he'll let me bring her back if he kills her.

2005-07-13 [Undertow]: i'm nto stopping anyone from doing anything...i'm the god of wisdom not the god of intervention

2005-07-13 [Shadowsoul]: i think so, if he doesn't i'll try to talk to him about it

2005-07-13 [Undertow]: lol...go for it

2005-07-13 [Viperess]: well if he doesn't we can always use your magic,

2005-07-13 [Shadowsoul]: of course

2005-07-13 [Undertow]: indeed..or i can kill he with the worlds greatest question!....which came first..the chicken of the egg?

2005-07-13 [Viperess]: *sit's back, and grins* this is going to be good.

2005-07-13 [Shadowsoul]: neither

2005-07-13 [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]: lalalalalalala

2005-07-13 [Shadowsoul]: *smiles and laughs*

2005-07-13 [Viperess]: welcome the shows already started

2005-07-13 [Shadowsoul]: manscans is offline now though

2005-07-13 [Undertow]: yeah he signed off a while ago....his sister must be on

2005-07-13 [Viperess]: to bad, but he'll be back

2005-07-13 [Undertow]: yes, they always come back

2005-07-13 [Shadowsoul]: true

2005-07-13 [Undertow]: indeed

2005-07-13 [Shadowsoul]: *reatreats into my own thoughts*

2005-07-13 [Viperess]: I think i'll visit the mortal realm for a bit, see whats brewing, save my seat and let me know when the action starts.

2005-07-13 [Shadowsoul]: me too

2005-07-13 [Viperess]: Later Goddesses and God

2005-07-13 [Undertow]: okay, don't be gone too long, he gets on and off sporatically

2005-07-13 [Viperess]: i hear you, be back soon, later.

2005-07-13 [Shadowsoul]: cya, i want to be around when he gets back online

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